30 Day Guarantee
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30 Day Guarantee 

We guarantee to every customer who buys a policy through PrimeQuote.com that you'll get a full 30 days to look over your new term life insurance policy with the right to return it to us for cancellation and receive a 100 percent refund of all premiums paid. You can cancel for any reason, with absolutely no questions asked. This unheard of guarantee applies to all consumers in all states and is made solely by us to you, subject to the approval of your state insurance department and without modification to any insurance policy.

Sincerely, PrimeQuote Insurance Services

PrimeQuote Insurance Services- Still Shopping Around? Let us shop for you and save you up to 70% on your term life insurance


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 For assistance call 1-703-883-0883 Ext. 114 - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday. 
